One Cool Thing

Goldie Bartlett on wimmelbilder

Die Gute Fabrik Season 1 Episode 19

On this episode, we meet Goldie Bartlett who chats to Hannah Nicklin about wimmelbilder.

Goldie Bartlett is an illustrator and artist based out of Melbourne Australia. She works in paint, pencil, digital media and videogames. Recent games which feature her work include Florence and Movement Study 1, and most recently launched Wayward Strand as part of the core team of Ghost Pattern Games. Wayward Strand is described on their website as a heartfelt interactive story, told in a curious way. 

She’s also in the art and digital art field, contributing to graphic novels, and the internationally exhibited Now Play This commission THE GRANNIES which is a documentary short film about Goldie and their pals The Grannies, pushing the boundaries of Red Dead Online. She also produced a beautiful hand drawn map for the merch for Untitled Goose Game.

Liner Notes

One Cool Thing Production Credits

One Cool Thing is hosted by Die Gute Fabrik's Studio Lead Hannah Nicklin and is produced, edited and sound designed by Tom Whalley. Additional production and research by Úna-Minh Kavanagh and our theme music by Nick Ellis who can be found on Bandcamp as tenby.