One Cool Thing

Cara Ellison on A Dictionary of Angels

Die Gute Fabrik Season 1 Episode 12

About This Episode

On episode 12 we meet Cara Ellison who chats to Hannah Nicklin about A Dictionary of Angels.

Cara Ellison is a Scottish designer and writer for videogames, who also writes for TV and comics. Before working in game dev, Cara was a journalist and worked in books, comics and radio. Her website explains that most of all she’s interested in expanding “ideas of what interactive entertainment can do, and who it is for.”

Liner Notes

One Cool Thing Production Credits

One Cool Thing is hosted by Die Gute Fabrik's Studio Lead Hannah Nicklin and is produced, edited and sound designed by Tom Whalley. Additional production and research by Úna-Minh Kavanagh and our theme music by Nick Ellis who can be found on Bandcamp as tenby.